Drafter's name missing, 59.43 (6)
Names not printed, 59.43 (6)
Liberty bond investments validated, 992.09
Limited partnership certificates, 179.105
Memorial corporations formed under 1919 act, 45.052
Municipal bonds for public improvements, 67.24
Municipal refunding bonds, 992.04
Municipality line highway, maintenance, charges, 82.21
Nonstock corporations, 181.1703
Highways, streets, alleys, piers, 66.1033
Illegal annexation to city, 66.0217 (12)
Platting lands, 236.50
Public utility franchise, 196.51, 196.54 (3)
Recordings, register of deeds, 59.43
Religious societies, 187.09
Repeal of act:
Not to impair cure, 990.03 (2), 992.01
Re corporate acknowledgments, 992.02
Sale of land by guardian, 786.52, 786.56
School debts validated, 992.13
Securities of public service corporations, 201.14
Slum clearance bonds, 67.25
Special assessments, 893.72
Streets or highways, laying, dedication, vacation, 66.1033
Village debts and contracts, validation, 992.17
Village housing authorities, creation, 61.73
Village ordinances, planning, 61.35
custodial property and trusts CUSTODIAL PROPERTY AND TRUSTS
Custodial trusts, uniform act:
Generally, 880.81 to 880.905
For detailed analysis, see Trusts
Transfers to minors, uniform act:
Generally, 880.61 to 880.72
dairy center authority DAIRY CENTER AUTHORITY
Generally, Ch. 235
Agriculture dept. cooperation, 93.07 (25)
Creation and organization, 235.02
Duties, 235.04
Powers, 235.03
dairy plants DAIRY PLANTS
Audits, 100.07
Failing to furnish information, 93.21 (1)
Highways in front of, dust-free, 86.08
Licensing and permits, 97.20
Milk and dairy product regulations, see Dairy Products
Payment to milk producers, 100.07
Statistics collection, 93.07 (21)
dairy products DAIRY PRODUCTS
See also Dairy Plants
Adulterated foods, 97.02
Babcock test, see Testing and weighing, under this head
Bovine growth hormone labeling, rules, 97.25
Brucellosis control program, 95.26
Advertising, 100.36
Definition, 97.01
Graders, licensing, 97.175
Grading, labeling, 97.176
Accounts, 100.05
Licensing, 97.17
Graders, licensing, 97.175
Grading, labeling, 97.177
Personal property tax exemption, 70.111 (11)
Restaurants, serving free, 125.68 (5)
Wisconsin logotype, 100.057
Accounts, 100.05
Licensing, 97.17
Dairy investment tax credit, 71.07 (3n), 71.28 (3n), 71.47 (3n)
Enforcement of food regulation laws, 97.12
Foreign fats, addition, 97.48
Ice cream and frozen desserts, containers, 98.12
Inspectors, 97.32
Labeling requirements, 97.03
Bovine growth hormone, 97.25
Legislative purpose in regulating, 97.24 (4)
Marketing and trade practices, Ch. 96, Ch. 100
Adulterated, prohibition, 97.50, 97.52
Definition, 97.01
Drug residue in, 97.23
Grade A operators, certification, 97.24 (5)